Api - Suscripcion

Subscription and unsubscription API
This API will allow you to direct subscribe, unsubscribe or get a subscriptor status
The request method can be POST or GET

Examples of usage:
apikey The API Key for the specified list
action subscribe or unsubscribe or status
email Email to subscribe, unsubscribe or get status
name Optional value, only for subscription
unsus_date Optional value, only for subscription. Subscription term in UNIX format (example: 1317830607)
success_url The URL to redirect if success
error_url The URL to redirect on error. Variables "error" and "errno" are passed as GET method
Return values:
status "Email added" in case of a successful subscription
status "Email unsubscribed" in case of a successful unsubscription
For a status request:
email Subscriber email
name Subscriber name
creation_date Subscriber creation date in UNIX format
unsus_date Subscriber unsubscription term date in UNIX format
active Subscriber status, 1=active, 0=inactive (will not receive emails in inactive status)
Error codes:
1101 "Invalid list or api key"
1102 "Action not recognized" invalid action name
1103 "Invalid emails address"
1104 "Subscribers quota exceeded" maybe the list is full or you have reached you subscribers limit
1105 "Email already exist in this list" while trying to subscribe an email
1106 "Unsubscription date is in the past" while trying to subscribe an email
1107 "Email not in list" while trying to unsubscribe an email
1107 The email address entered is blacklisted. It must be subscribed by an double opt-in form
PHP Example script:


= "34f89h3498fu" ;
$email = "john@mydomain.com" ;
$url = "http://www.youmailing.com/app/" ;

$query_string = $url . "api.php?apikey=" . $apikey . "&action=subscribe&email=" . $email ;

$response = file_get_contents ( $query_string ); 

$dataArray = json_decode ( $response );

if (
$dataArray [ "error" ] ) 
// An error occur, do something with $dataArray["message"]
} else {
// It is ok, you got the status on $dataArray["status"]

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